Section: New Results

mathematical analysis of stochastic partial differential equations

Large deviations for the dynamic Φd2n model

In [27], we are dealing with the validity of a large deviation principle for a class of reaction-diffusion equations with polynomial non-linearity, perturbed by a Gaussian random forcing. We are here interested in the regime where both the strength of the noise and its correlation are vanishing, on a length scale ρ and δ(ρ), respectively, with 0<ρ,δ(ρ)<<1. We prove that, under the assumption that ρ and δ(ρ) satisfy a suitable scaling limit, a large deviation principle holds in the space of continuous trajectories with values both in the space of square-integrable functions and in Sobolev spaces of negative exponent. Our result is valid, without any restriction on the degree of the polynomial nor on the space dimension.

Solution to the stochastic Schrödinger equation on the full space

In [33], we show how the methods recently applied by Debussche and Weber to solve the stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on 𝕋2 can be enhanced to yield solutions on 2 if the non-linearity is weak enough. We prove that the solutions remains localized on compact time intervals which allows us to apply energy methods on the full space.

A law of large numbers in the supremum norm for a multiscale stochastic spatial gene network

In [34], we study the asymptotic behavior of multiscale stochastic spatial gene networks. Multiscaling takes into account the difference of abundance between molecules, and captures the dynamic of rare species at a mesoscopic level. We introduce an assumption of spatial correlations for reactions involving rare species and a new law of large numbers is obtained. According to the scales, the whole system splits into two parts with different but coupled dynamics. The high scale component converges to the usual spatial model which is the solution of a partial differential equation, whereas, the low scale component converges to the usual homogeneous model which is the solution of an ordinary differential equation. Comparisons are made in the supremum norm.

Long time behavior of Gross-Pitaevskii equation at positive temperature

In [32], the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation is used as a model to describe Bose-Einstein condensation at positive temperature. The equation is a complex Ginzburg Landau equation with a trapping potential and an additive space-time white noise. Two important questions for this system are the global existence of solutions in the support of the Gibbs measure, and the convergence of those solutions to the equilibrium for large time. In this paper, we give a proof of these two results in one space dimension. In order to prove the convergence to equilibrium, we use the associated purely dissipative equation as an auxiliary equation, for which the convergence may be obtained using standard techniques.

An integral inequality for the invariant measure of a stochastic reaction–diffusion equation

In [14], we consider a reaction-diffusion equation perturbed by noise (not necessarily white). We prove an integral inequality for the invariant measure ν of a stochastic reaction-diffusion equation. Then we discuss some consequences as an integration by parts formula which extends to ν a basic identity of the Malliavin Calculus. Finally, we prove the existence of a surface measure for a ball and a half-space of .

Kolmogorov equations and weak order analysis for SPDES with nonlinear diffusion coefficient

In [26], we provide new regularity results for the solutions of the Kolmogorov equation associated to a SPDE with nonlinear diffusion coefficients and a Burgers type nonlinearity. This generalizes previous results in the simpler cases of additive or affine noise. The basic tool is a discrete version of a two sided stochastic integral which allows a new formulation for the derivatives of these solutions. We show that this can be used to generalize the weak order analysis performed by Debussche in 2011. The tools we develop are very general and can be used to study many other examples of applications.

Approximation-diffusion in stochastically forced kinetic equations

In [35], we derive the hydrodynamic limit of a kinetic equation where the interactions in velocity are modelled by a linear operator (Fokker-Planck or Linear Boltzmann) and the force in the Vlasov term is a stochastic process with high amplitude and short-range correlation. In the scales and the regime we consider, the hydrodynamic equation is a scalar second-order stochastic partial differential equation. Compared to the deterministic case, we also observe a phenomenon of enhanced diffusion.